Why do we at Genesis UMC want to talk about mental health? Because it is important. When it comes to mental and emotional health, all of us struggle at least some of the time. Some of us struggle most of the time. And oftentimes, we feel like we need to hide and fake it because we don’t know who to talk to or where we can find a safe space to let our guard down. Many people feel alone in this struggle.
But you are not alone. There are lots of people - both inside and outside the church - who struggle with depression and anxiety. Everyone goes through grief. Most have experienced some kind of personal trauma in their lives or in their family.
At its best, the church can offer healing and hope and a supportive community. And sometimes, the church itself causes people pain and shame. Sometimes, the church fails to understand and care for those with mental illness or those going through seasons of mental and emotional distress. We are sorry. We want to do better.
In this teaching series, we will try and create time and space for real talk about some real mental health challenges people face. We want to learn and grow and better understand how to be present with one another – as we hear what wisdom, insight, and hope Scripture offers in these areas.
In the Gospels, Jesus brought hope and healing to those struggling and in distress. He still does today.
We invite EVERYONE to participate in this series starting September 25th by attending in person at Genesis United Methodist Church, live streaming the events, or watching at your convenience on our YouTube channel.
Real talk about faith and mental health
God made us, loves us, and God wants us to live fully
Guest speaker – details TBA
Depression: God sees, God hears, God comes near
Finding grace in the midst of fear and faults
Being authentically ourselves and being intentional together
God’s hope and healing for grief
Coming to terms with past trauma and living into a better future
How being grateful helps us accept ourselves and our journey
7635 S. Hulen Street, Fort Worth, TX 76133 | Sundays @ 5 pm